Tuesday, 14 June 2011


To the left lies a picture I drew of me doing the 1500 meters in my PE lesson. You can probably tell I came last.
Well, that's not strictly speaking true. 
You see, I was coming first for a while, after starting maybe 10th out of about 30. And I guess you could say I went into the Final Sprint too soon.
Way too soon.
I went into it with 3 laps left. I didn't sprint the whole last 3 laps...that would be crazy. It was a kind of on-off sprint. So I rounded off into my final lap, my lap of glory. I was going to win!!!
(Okay, this wasn't a competition, but please! Don't cramp my style!) And then, It happened. 
It, by the way, is asthma. I don't like the word asthma, kinda scary, so whenever I refer to 'It', I mean asthma. This is an important part of my life. Maybe, if you're interested, I'll reveal more in another post...
So, yeah, anyway, It happened. I was casually running, on the last half of my 7 and a 1/2 laps, when I realised I wasn't breathing, and I couldn't. I kind of collapsed. 
The school nurse had to come up with a wheelchair and wheel me all the way to the medical room. It's pretty far.
That should be a sports day event! Get in pairs, one of you sits in a wheelchair, the other pushes you at a sprint from the field to the medical room!!!
Anyways, they gave me my inhaler and I just sat and inhaled for a while. At least I got to miss period 4 English!!! But it wasn't bad enough to get sent home. I know I should be relieved but...I could've got off school!!
Ah well. 


  1. you've been tagged! now you have to post 7 RANDOM FACTS on your blog and tag 4 more people to do the same.


Wise pandas say "its polite to comment!" ;)